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Following the steps created and explained by Kevin L. Ferguson, Elizabeth and I summed the scenes in Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 2. Additionally, we barcoded the two films, resulting in two summed images and four barcodes. Kung Fu Panda Summed Image: Kung Fu […]
Type B: First ChatGPT, Then Me ChatGPT’s take Prompt: Howdy ChatGPT, can you write a 250-word blog post about Kirby Ferguson’s YouTube video “Everything is a Remix?” Can you especially focus on the issues surrounding AI art? In his captivating YouTube series, “Everything is a Remix,” […]
Type B: First ChatGPT, Then Me ChatGPT: Prompt: Can you write a 250-word blog post about the copyright issues that Lawrence Lessig covers in his book Remix, including a commentary on how Lessig might respond to the use of AI LLMs? Then can you explain how […]